[ coming soon ]

The Digital Identity that safeguards personal information

People are NOT the weakest link in the security chain; the model is. We fixed the model to attain what we learned was impossible: better security with less friction. Find out how!

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On-board Effortlessly

This looks like a great site,
let's sign up

Name - alright, Peter Pan
Email - throwaway@donotevercontact.me

Password - another one?
Validate email - boring ...

Capcha - seriously, street signs?
Device fingerprinting - that sounds bad ...

On-board Effortlessly

With such user sign-up journey it is time for a new relationship model. One that does not treat new customers like criminals, one that does not violate all their privacy in the first moment of relationship. A relationship that respects user anonymity, protects their privacy but at the same time offers community based validation about their "true existence"

By giving back control to the user, we are effectively eliminating the barrier for starting a relationship with your business.

Click identityplus and they are in.

Rich Interaction

Rich Interaction

Email is a great way to reach out to people, IF they left a genuine email address and IF your subject line shines through the multitude of competing offers and the mound of SPAM users receive each day. Those are two significant IFs, given that users nowadays are highly protective of their information and will only give a glimpse to each subject in their crowded inboxes. Push notifications have very low opt-in friction and offer more content at a glance, but it is noisier and difficult to track.

Identity Plus messaging delivers updates in an organized, low stress and engaging fashion: fully attributed and measurable like email, visually rich like push notifications and interactive like nothing as of yet.

Secure by architecture

Secure by architecture

Security and speed are a sensitive trade-off these days. You can either opt for security and then you will punish your users with 2FA and other time consuming process or, you can opt for speed and convenience, but then you risk exposing their private information and your business to a large suit of attacks and regulatory events.

Mutually Authenticated TLS is the strongest level of authentication that exists today. It is based on PKI (public key cryptography) and applied on transport level to create impossible to man-in-the-middle connections, continuous authentication and device level authorization. It is far superior to 2FA and the login takes a blink of an eye.





Anonymous but Validated

Anonymous but Validated

How do you know your users are real, that they are not content scraping bots, one time fake users, duplicate accounts or other nuisances current security models can't eliminate.

With identity plus, your users are anonymous but their devices are not. When they anonymously register with your service, instead of a potentially fake email address, you'll get strong attribution and the trust quotient the SaaS community bestows on that particular identity plus (anonymous identity anchor). The larger the community becomes the greater the certainty.

Protect Private Information

Protect Private Information

It is bad enough if you lose your client's data, it is terrible if it is personally identifiable.

With the anonymous, identity plus relationship model you'll find you no longer need to rely on personally identifiable information, so you can defer the responsibility of protecting it. What you don't have - you cannot lose. This has far reaching benefits not only to you as a business but also towards the privacy of your customers. Show them you care.

Transparency & Respect

Transparency & Respect

Time may come however when you do need to ask for some personal information. Should you chose to disclose your use of such particular data-point, you make sure you keep your users informed about the sensitive data you hold on them. A true gesture of respect. They'll love you for your transparency and in exchange you get to cross-validate the accuracy of the information within the community, without actually disclosing the information itself - not even to identity plus.

Request A Demo

Identity Plus can be integrated alongside your current authentication to allow graceful transition for users who value their privacy and their account security. Find out how easy security becomes when we address the heart of the problem, not the symptoms.

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